Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Sick = More Quotage

Aife: "Oooh it's French!"
Lisa & Emma in unison: "It's the French Revolution!!!"

Everyone: "Bread not heads! Bread not heads! Bread not heads!"
Cormac: "Bread!!"

Francesca: "Now lees-ten to this!"
Claire: "Yeah Lisa liss-ten!"
Lisa: "I'm liss-tenning!"
- Italian

Lisa *screaming*: "I hate you, you fucking bastard!!"
Dave *also screaming*: "I fucking hate you, you stupid biiiiiiiiitch!!"
- Fun times at Paddy's

"Oh you're punstoppable you are" - Jen, originally Heather apparently

"I've actually woken the neighbours next door with Dave" - Jen <333333333

"I'm sorry if I want my diagram to have kids Zoe, unlike you!" - Caroline in Blodge

Trailer: "You're gay!"
Simon: "That's the third trailer in a row to say that!"

Paddy: "Some movie Lisa wants to see"
Simon: "Please God don't let it be The Women"

"Oh look Dave Ferguson!!" *runs away* - Simon

*"The Confession" comes up on the screen* "Are we in the right movie??" - Everyone in the cinema

"No you don't understand! I have to go meet a pervert!" - Why Lisa can't do her homework this weekend

Lisa: "Boom! Boom! Boom!"
Emma: "That's Lisa, the town simpleton"
- While the storm exploded

Lisa: "And after we'll go to the pub!"
Claire: "Which one?"
Lisa: "All of them!!!!"
- Re: Trinity Open Day

Claire: "They call him The Scraper!"
Lisa: "He's a Scrapist!!"

Lisa: "Jenny! Stop scanning! You're a scannophile!"
Jenny: "It's a sickness!"
- Scansion in Latin

"On fire! He set it on fire! On fire!" - Jenny during her nervous breakdown

Claire: "You're all the way down there!"
Emma: "I know, I sold my feet... to drugs. And now I'm losing my knees... to drugs. And now I'm gonna sell my teeth... for drugs"

Emma: "I lost my hands"
Lisa: "Don't say to drugs!"
Emma: "No! To the war!"

*sung* "Wrapping it up like a Christmas present, bom bom-bom bom bom bom bom bom-bom!" -Lisa in blodge

"Including the hit singles, "Wrapping It Up Like A Christmas Present" and "Fuck Me (It's Cold)" - Lisa's new album

"I must say it's truly breast taking - no breath taking!" - Lisa

Baby Darragh: "Lisa.."
Lisa: "Yes..."
Baby Darragh: "Did you just favourite a video with 2 naked guys?"
Lisa: "...maybe..."
- <3>

"Coming in speaking our language, asking do we want fries with that! NO! *puts hat on* Do you want fries with that?! For I am the McDonalds worker!!" - Lisa taking her job back

"Jenny loves Dave's winky" - It's funny cos it's true ;)

Stef: "You should be a man.."
Lisa: *backs away*
Stef: "Yeah you back away! Just like all the others!"

"Stop looking at the window man!" - Fiona

"They're little beds, they fold away, they're little fellows" - Francesca on foldaway train beds

Emma: "3 mothers!"
Claire: "We had 8 kids!"
Lisa (in a ghost voice): "What page is it?"
Emma: "And one of them is a ghost!"
- Blodge, IAA experiment

"You can't join the fire department cos they're afraid you won't close your legs going down the pole!!" - Jaimie to Stef

"I'm like an aquarium except not full of fish cos that would be tasty" - Lisa

Lisa: *makes popping noise, mimes typing, clicking and evil finger waggling*
Claire: "What are you doing?"
Lisa: "Sending spam"
- to filroc@eircom.net do it!!

Lisa: "I've hurt my knees doing that now, I hope you're happy Hughes!"
Emma: "There was another Hughes... a Robespierre Hughes who hurt his knees once..."

"Oh my God I brought four and I didn't bring the right one!" - Jessica's Foinses

5th years: "4th years and 6th years can join in if they want to"
Lisa: "Why? To keep you in time?"

"You do your rehearsing, you do your singing, you do your painting, you jump in the canal..." - Francesca's idea of pre-Culwick activities

Elaine: "AACHHEEWW!!"
Stef: "............................................................ bless you....."

"In his schoolbag???????????" - Aife

"I have a life girls it's not just biology!" -Ms McShane

"What did I say in the changing room??" -Jen fails to remember something we said we'd put in the quotebook

"I thought you said he started hustling her!" - Kate mishearing ftw

"... he has braces!" - Claire

"Oh we're just laughing, you know how laughing can be... contagious!!" - Emma


TM said...

Oh lordy! *wipes tears away from face*

we sure are funny sonsofbitches when we want to be :D

LalalaLisa said...

We sure are=D