Sunday, December 7, 2008

More Quotes... obviously.. what will I call these, just more quotes?

“My thighs are so wet! Dry God damn you! Dry!” – Jaimie

Stef: “You went out with her!”
Jaimie: “Don’t touch me!”

Lisa: “You haven’t scored anything yet, you should go score something”
Paddy: *dances towards April*
Lisa: “NOT THAT!!!”

“Are you nervous? Are you nervous? No wait! I’m nervous! What am I doing?? Aahh!!” – Baby Darragh playing ‘Are You Nervous?’ with JenBen

“He’s so up his own ass he can taste his… face!” – Stef

Stef: “Go into me!”
Lisa: “Ok, I will”
Stef: “Faster! Faster!”
- On the Youtube

“That’s me… pissed as a coot…” – Stef

“Chryphillis!” – Lisa

“OMG I love Baby Darragh!!” – Everyone after my 18th

“Jenny’s pregnant! Always wear gloves!” – Cat

“What’s a fairy boat?” – Italian ftw

Stef: “What a tease…”
Lisa: “Yeah at least you deliver”
- We’re just burning for burning’s sake now…

History lecturer guy: “We are not the paper tigers of…”
*Lisa, Emma & Kate grin foolishly*

“I’m not a whore, I’m talented!” – Jen on fitting a whole Twister in her mouth

Lisa: “That’s just throwing balls around”
Kate: “Yeah that’s what Stef does every weekend!”
- Mwahahahaha