Monday, March 15, 2010

Some Third Year Quotes

“Shit son!” - Sif

“Who the FUCK is stealing my socks???” - Stef (Irish college)

Ms Richeux: “RSVP means...”
Aisling: “Oh my God! So what does ASAP mean??”

“You retard!” - Stephanie

Stef: “You're crazy!”
Sif: “No, I'm just stupid”

“Stef is retarded, eat her! Yummy tastes like chicken...” - Sif

“Go Foxy! It's your birthday! Not for real real, just for play play!” - Drawn Together; Stef

“Poo, poo, poo, random!” - Stef

“Crikey! - Ms Diffley

“I'm sure he kept a good kind of shop before his elevation to knighthood!” - Pride & Prejudice

“Eew” - Lisa

“BLONDE!!!” - Lisa & Sif

“I'm chief prefect. I'm half the authority in this place!” - Lisa

“Coolness. So I'll see you there.” - Mean Girls; Lisa

“Knus!” - Sif & Lisa

“That's hot” - Paris Hilton; Sif

“I've noticed you're elf, I'm pretty elf myself!” – Sif & Jaimie

Lisa's Songs For People

Claire's Song:
I am Claire!
Here's my hair!
I'm about to climb a stair!
With a knick-knack,
Give me a bone!
I am going to go home!

Sif's Song:
I am Sif!
I eat beef!
I am going to swim in a reef!
With a knick-knack,
Give me a bone!
I am going to go home (to Denmark)!

Stef's Song:
I am Stef!
I'll be a chef!
All my appliances will be made by Neff!
With a knick-knack,
Give me a bone (to cook)!
I am going to go home!

Caitrin's Song:
I am Caitrin!
My face is clean!
I'm going to eat this can of beans!
With a knick-knack,
Give me a bone!
I am going to go home (if I don't get lost)!


Emma & Lisa's Quotes from Rinne

“Prepare to be danced into an oblivion!” - Will

Lisa (to Emma, looking at refletion in window): “Féach ar mo ghruaig, tá sé cosúil le helmet! Helmet! Féach! Tá sé cosúil le helmet!
Janice (random cinnera who was walking past): “Níl sé cosúil le helmet”

Lisa: “What a lovely day!”
Emma: “It's a terrible day, you can't even breathe the air”

Someone: “Bogadh daltaí!”
Sean: “I'm ag bog-ing!”

“I swear, if I didn't love Sif so much, I'd tell everyone she's, like... a man!” - Emma after another person saw our photos and told us how pretty Sif was

“I was just out trying to get some food on the table for you, me and the jug!” - Lisa

Emma: “Yeah, cos if we killed Sif, I'd get all her Miss Sixty jeans!”
Lisa: “Oooh! And what would I get? Oh yeah her make-up... and Andreas!! Let's do it! Let's find her now!”


Will: “Will you be my friend?”
Lisa: “Um.. ok?”
Will: “Good. So since you’re my friend now, would you, hypothetically, swear in a court of law, hypothetically, that I was in your house between the hours of 12 and 2, and we were like watching movies and braiding each other’s hair and stuff?”
Lisa: “Ok…”
Will: “And say, like, hypothetically, if there was a mass murder, would you still be prepared to swear it in a hypothetical court of law? Like, hypothetically?

Crazy jumping guy to Emma: “That’s not a hypothetical situation, a real hypothetical situation is a gorilla chasing a tiger with two tennis rackets around the fainne with a bottle of Diet Coke in his back pocket, because he’s wearing jeans… and there’s a small boy in the corner crying. Do you have a brother?”
Emma: “Yeah”
Crazy jumping guy: “He’s dead”

“Are you listening? They think the plural of fleur is les fleroux!!!!” – Emma, to which Lisa cackled wildly for 15 minutes, and fell out of bed into Emma’s suitcase

Lisa: “Love triangles? In The OC there’s like love quadrupliangles!”
Will: “You mean squares?”

“Your personal hero…” – Dave

“I feel like I should do something now that he’s standing in front of me”
“Tap him on the shoulder”
“Do you think I should?! Yeah! I’d be a legend then, wouldn’t I??”
- Will in line

Liam: *jumps over* “Hi! I’m Liam! I’m jumping!”
Emma & Lisa: “Hi Liam”
Liam: *jumps away*

“The baby’s yours Dave!” – Diarmuid


And Back to Regular Quotes

“I love lamp!” – Anchorman

“I’m Ron Burgundy?” – Anchorman

“You’re a smelly pirate hooker! Why don’t you go back to your home on Whore Island?” – Anchorman
“I’m riding a furry tractor!” – Anchorman

“Channel 4 News Team away!” – Anchorman

“Fare thee well Baxter, friend of the bears” – Anchorman

“Jazz flute is for little fairy boys” – Anchorman

“Stop kicking my seat! Or I’ll give your seat a good kicking! And I don’t mean the chair!” – Lisa

Stephanie: “It looks like a man…”
Kate: “Oh yeah, it does look like a man”
Stephanie: “It’s my mom!!!”
- In art

Sif: “I’m not your real mom, you’re adopted!”
Stef: “But I’m older than you!”
Sif: “That’s what you think, but you’re actually only 4. You mature quickly, because you’re a rare breed of Eskimo… From Antarctica…”


“Recording…” – Lidia

“A-booty” - Sif

“This is written with Stef’s 2-sided permanent marker (Stef: wooow!)”
[that’s all it says…]

“Mo fo!” – Claire

“Turtle, turtle” – Emma, Claire & Stef

“It’s 2005 mo fo!”
“…It’s like you’re mad about the date…”
– Ed Byrne’s Just for Laughs

“Put the thong on! Put the thong on!”
“I did! Where’s it gone?! Get some spoons!!!”
- Just for Laughs

“Do you Riverdance? Ask him! Ask him if he Riverdances! Ask him!”
“I’m askin’ him! Hey kid, do you Riverdance?”
“Yes, the whole of Ireland Riverdances, it’s how we get to work in the morning…”
- Just for Laughs

“Dropped him”
“Like a stone”
- Stephanie in English

“Guys, in all shitness like, in all shitness” – Claire

“Go fuck a relative” – Lisa

“I reject reality and substitute it with my own” – Claire

“You are looking at cucumber gal, as in cool as a” – Claire

“How bout no, you crazy Dutch freak” – Austin Powers

“STUPID, STUPID CHORDS! You hate me, don’t you?? DON’T YOU????” – Claire during Culwick practice

“You have been socked!” – Everyone

“Soap?” – Zorro

“Crazy French! Where words wear hats!” – Lisa & Claire

“Hey Mama”
“Hey Child”
“I gots real hair”
“And a hair diploma!”
- Heather, Lidia, Claire & Stephanie
[took ages to work out that “deflo ma” meant diploma]

“Man Swallows Hammer and Lives to Tell Story!” – Ms Diffley being a tabloid
“Gurriers beat the bejaysus out of him” – Ms Diffley

“What an arrogant, conceited git” – Ms Diffley

“My eyes are not glistening with the ghost of my past!” – Harry Potter 4

Lisa: “Well someone has to remove the gypsies from the playground…”
*violin playing gypsy-esque tune*
Gypsy: “Is our Frisbee now!”
- The Simpsons

Stef: “You’re gay!”
Claire: “What?”
Stef: “When I don’t understand, or can’t do stuff, I say you’re gay!”

“We can be partners… but not in a gay way…” – Max & Paddy’s Road to Nowhere

“It’s killing me, it’s physically killing me!” – Claire

“Stinger!” – Tara in science

“Are we doing physics?” – Tara after 3 weeks of doing electricity in science

“They live EVERYWHERE” – Ms Phelan in science

“Hey touch me in a kind of I’m Jesus and you’re a leper kind of way!” – Ed Byrne’s

“What?! What does this mean?? ‘If you live in a flat, beside a river, but are not… blind… WHAT???” – Black Books; Emma in maths exam

*to be sung in a ‘sexy’ voice with ‘sexy’ arm movements*
“Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes,
Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes,
Eyes and ears and mouth and… NOSE! *snort*
- Lisa & Sif’s Sexy Science song

“That’s insane!” – Sif & Stan

“Mafia!” – Pyjama Party I

“She wants to FRUBE!” – Sif & Claire

Yo Mama Jokes

“Your mama’s so fat; she’d jump in the air and get stuck!”

“Your mama’s like a hardware store, 50 cents a screw!”

“The reason I’m so fat is every time I screwed your ma, she gave me a cookie”

Ultimate your ma joke:
“Well your ma makes these shoes!” – Claire and Sif on music trip